«não há pretos italianos»

Adeptos da Juventus voltam a entoar cânticos racistas

A facção mais radical dos adeptos da Juventus voltou a entoar cânticos racistas durante a recepção ao Catania, em jogo realizado este domingo.

«Não há pretos italianos», disseram os tiffossi da “Juve”, denominados Curva Sud, devido à sua localização no estádio Olímpico de Turim.

Para além da manifestação racista, a própria equipa também foi atacada, devido aos maus resultados europeus, e a direcção.

Desta a época passada que e turma bianconera tem sido constantemente sancionada – com multas e jogos à porta fechada – por cânticos racistas da sua massa associativa.


como se pode ver, é da Itália que partem a maioria dos bons exemplos.

gostava que as claques portuguesas e um pouco por toda a Europa seguissem o mesmo caminho.

Jardim inaugura mesquita…

Jardim oferece jantar a comitiva islâmica

 O presidente do Governo Regional da Madeira, Alberto João Jardim, ofereceu, na noite de ontem, um jantar à comitiva islâmica que se deslocou à Região para a inauguração da primeira Mesquita da Madeira. O secretário regional dos Recursos Humanos, Brazão de Castro, esteve presente no jantar, que decorreu na Quinta Vigia.
 Foram recebidos pelo líder do Executivo madeirense o presidente da Comunidade Islâmica em Lisboa, Dr. Abdool Karim Vakil; o responsável da Comunidade Islâmica na Madeira, Adbou Karim Ben Adj e ainda o imã, Abel Lasseri.
 Mas para a inauguração da Mesquita da Madeira, localizada em Santo Amaro, deslocaram-se à Região outras entidades islâmicas, como o embaixador da Arábia Saudita e do Irão em Lisboa, Hisham Alkatini e Rasool Mohajer, respectivamente. A embaixada da Líbia também esteve representada na inauguração da Mesquita por Yahya El Jadid e ainda Saoud Eltayari.


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parentesco entre bascos, galeses e irlandeses

Genes link Celts to Basques

The Welsh and Irish Celts have been found to be the genetic blood-brothers of Basques, scientists have revealed.

The gene patterns of the three races passed down through the male line are all “strikingly similar”, researchers concluded.

Ethnic links: Many races share common bonds

Basques can trace their roots back to the Stone Age and are one of Europe’s most distinct people, fiercely proud of their ancestry and traditions.

The research adds to previous studies which have suggested a possible link between the Celts and Basques, dating back tens of thousands of years.

“The project started with our trying to assess whether the Vikings made an important genetic contribution to the population of Orkney,” Professor David Goldstein of University College London (UCL) told BBC News.

‘Statistically indistinguishable’

He and his colleagues looked at Y-chromosomes, passed from father to son, of Celtic and Norwegian populations. They found them to be quite different.

“But we also noticed that there’s something quite striking about the Celtic populations, and that is that there’s not a lot of genetic variation on the Y-chromosome,” he said.

To try to work out where the Celtic population originally came from, the team from UCL, the University of Oxford and the University of California at Davis also looked at Basques.

“On the Y-chromosome the Celtic populations turn out to be statistically indistinguishable from the Basques,” Professor Goldstein said.

Pre-farming Europe

The comparison was made because Basques are thought by most experts to be very similar to the people who lived in Europe before the advent of farming.

“We conclude that both of these populations are reflecting pre-farming Europe,” he said.

Professor Goldstein’s team looked at the genetic profiles of 88 individuals from Anglesey, North Wales, 146 from Ireland with Irish Gaelic surnames, and 50 Basques.

“We know of no other study that provides direct evidence of a close relationship in the paternal heritage of the Basque- and the Celtic-speaking populations of Britain,” the team write in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Viking TV

But it is still unclear whether the link is specific to the Celts and the Basques, or whether they are both simply the closest surviving relatives of the early population of Europe.

What is clear is that the Neolithic Celts took women from outside their community. When the scientists looked at female genetic patterns as well, they found evidence of genetic material from northern Europe.

This influence helped even out some of the genetic differences between the Celts and their Northern European neighbours.

The work was carried out in connection with a BBC television programme on the Vikings.
